
VocRehab Inc. is a Vocational Information Services company started by a Vocational Rehabilitation Service Provider in 1993.
We specialize in easy to use, Internet-based, vocational information programs and services.
Our customers include a variety of professions including: state and private vocational rehabilitation counselors, provincial governments in Canada, case managers, the Veterans Administration, occupational therapists, physical therapists, doctors, lawyers, psychologists, chiropractors, universities and teachers in the U.S. and Canada.
Our online services are available to everyone on every type of computer. All you need is an Internet connection and our online service will do the rest.
We know and understand the needs of vocational and career professionals in the field. We understand the needs of companies looking to assist their workers to transition to a new type of work, due to injury or layoff.
We understand the needs of the client, the career-changer, the on-ramper, the person looking for a new career, or someone simply looking for a new job.
We know it can be a life-changing decision and that you need accurate and useful information about the world of work.
We provide that information in an easy to use service. You can then make that decision armed with knowledge of the job market and the ability to get the job.
VocRehab Inc. is affiliated with Rehabilitation Alternatives Limited, an Atlantic Canadian rehabilitation consulting company (incorporated in 1992).
Accordingly, we have access and knowledge of both of the American vocational systems (Dictionary of Occupational Titles and evolving O*NET(tm))and the Canadian vocational database (National Occupational Classification).
VocRehab.com has been a leader for many years in the U.S. Transferable Skills Analysis market developing software and online Internet capabilities.
We are the only company with both software and vocational consulting field experience, in both the U.S. and Canada. We are therefore able to offer a unique perspective on the application of vocational software to the practice of vocational consultation, across a wide spectrum of clientele.
VocRehab Inc. differs from other companies in that we developed the software while practicing the "art" of vocational rehabilitation.
We at VocRehab Inc. made no assumptions about what was needed; we learned about client needs in the field.
Furthermore, we constantly strive to find ways to make it better.
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