VocSoft.com in cooperation with VAS, offers Web-based vocational assessment tools for vocational professionals, Human Resource professionals, and the public.
These tools were developed by professional vocational counselors who have extensive field experience. From the very basic requirements of "how to complete a resume" to
our state-of-the-art transferable skills analysis, we offer tools for the novice or the pro.
Our QuickNOC Pro Career Guide service helps people return to work.
Whether you are a professional Vocational Rehabiliation Counsellor, a Human Resource Counselor or Manager,
a veteran returning to civilian life, a job seeker or career changer, we provide the tools necessary to return you to work.
Our multilevel system provides the knowledge and skills to get your first job, or change careers.
Managers or HR pro's will appreciate the multilevel approach used to coordinate their counsellors and their clients.
Clients will appreciate the ease of use and the availablilty of the service from any Internet connected computer.
Administrators will appreciate the ease of administrating their counsellors, overseeing their caseload and making sure the client benefits with the best possible outcome.
They will also appreciate the cost-savings of purchasing products in bulk and staying within already stretched budgets.
Our online system tracks progress, for the client, and for the counsellor.
Online tracking of activities provides the client with proof of participation in workers' compensation cases.
We provide and easy to use interface for most popular Web browsers, with practically * 24/7 availability. (* except for brief maintenance and backup periods)
No installation of software, means no headaches for your IT department.
No licensing requirements means no initial start-up costs.
SSL encryption means your information is safe and secure. Confidentiality is maintained.
A secure built in messaging system allows for Counsellor, client and administrator to communicate, without worrying about e-mail problems or confidentiality.