Super Job Information Search (SJIS) with Report Capture

SJIS with Report Capture is subscription based service.
The cost is $10.00 U.S. monthly billed through PayPal.


All-in-one search and browse of important job information (Need a free password, go here: Get Password)

Enter your password, select your State, and Log In ->

Please enter your password as it appears in the e-mail you received from
You can easily copy and paste it from the e-mail or simply retype it in the white box above.

State Metropolitan 5/2020 data has been added.
National Projection 3/2021 data has been added

Build Your Own Report: With this feature you can view a DOT Description and "CAPTURE" the data.
You can hop from one data source to another and "capture" as you go.
When you are done, you can View Captured data and send yourself an e-mail of all the data captured.

You can build a report as you go, collecting data from various data sources.
When you receive your e-mail, simply select all the text and copy it into your word processor for alignment or editing.

SJIS with Capture, allows you to view data from the Dictionary of Occupational Titles, Occupational Outlook Handbook,
O*Net, Metropolitan Wage data, National Projections, and now, current Job Listings matching your results.

Now with Current Job Listings matching your search results!

We hope you find it useful in your Career Explorations!